Friday, August 6, 2010


Well, I'm sitting in my Hostel in Montreal! I'm finding Montreal to be nothing shy of a giant Granville Island (only more focused on the environment and very french). The weather is beautiful. I lucked out when I got in last night, the rain had JUST stopped. It's not muggy, nor humid. Just windy. I will defs say that the air feels different. In Thunder Bay, ON I noticed it felt heavy. In Ottawa, it was Crisp. Now, it's just mildly weighty. Over all no really big changes.

It took;
75 hours,
7 bus,
6 provinces,
3 time zones,
2 rough sleeps,
and 1 enthusiastic lady

to get where I am now, 3694 km away from home. (but was driven 4903 km).

I have to say, Canada is definiately beautiful. I dont have many pictures from the trip out here (due to the speed of the bus and the spots choosen for a break was a dinner in the middle of the free way with absolutely nothing interesting). I will probably post my pictures to somewhere like PhotoBucket. (Link to come later).

At this time I'd like to introduce three friends. Wolfie, Moosie, and of course, Sir Grooves A-Lot. They will appear in many of the photoes I take.

Wolfie, from 1st yennadon, Maple Ridge BC. He's keeper of the keys of Eagles hall. With my purse having a padlock on it (while in busy areas it just made sense to do), he has the key at his back.

Moosie, from Meritt BC. He was given to me as a gift from my best friend (since he couldn't come with me, gave me a cute moose).

Sir Grooves A-Lot, Granville Island, Vancouver, BC. He's my personal mascot and the one you'll see the most. He's a cute hamster that chills in the front pouch of my bag. I picked him to represent me mainly because he was just the right size, and needless to say, adorable.

I've done a quick tour around the city, but decided to have a relaxing day. Just chill and explore. No tours, or major sites today.

Tomorrow, i'll be up bright and early. I'm going to be heading to Quebec City for the next two days (1 over night). It'll be about a 3 hour bus ride each direction. I'll be leaving my netbook in Montreal with my pack (it will be locked up in the Hostel while I'm away). Tonight I will probably stay in and chat with my room mates.

I'm starting to feel more confident with my french. I can understand it decently enough, though my oral does need some work (I can't translate quick enough, though apparently my accent is good). It's comign along quickly.

That's it for today I believe. I'll try to post more tomorrow, and then when I get back from Quebec City.

Yours Truly,

Kimberly McGilvray

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