Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I've now made it into Calgary. I'm happy to report that I'm finding the transit back to be very swift and easy. Though I expect the last 16 hours of my trip to be the worst, for obvious reasons.

When I got to Regina, I took a quick walk around the block. I found a Casino, mall, and a ton of closed signs. (I was there 7pm to 8 pm).

Once I was back on my bus, it was a rough evening filled with shifting, on again off again sleep, and a familular site, Calgary.

I'm currently waiting for my next transfer to Vancouver. My last bus. My last time zone change. I'm hoping that I get to sleep threw the altitude changes, but I doubt I'll be so lucky. I'm due in to Langely (new point of pick up) at 8:30 pm. I can only hope that we arrive early, though I doubt it will happen.

Till next blog,

Yours In Rovering,

Kimberly McGilvray


So, I spent all of three hours in Winnipeg. Saw 90% of the airport, and got onto my new bus. Due to feeling extremely ill and not being able to keep anything in my stomache, I've decided to just head home for the sake of my health.

I will continue on my original route, via Regina and Calgary, but without stopping aside from my layovers.
It's unfortunate, but I'll probably come back out this way in a few years with friends to check it out. I glanced at the Parliment and the Mint, and it's nothing super special, at least from the outside. I saw the Mint Pavillion while it was in Vancouver for the Olympics, so I can wait. ;)

I was lucky enough to find myself a shot glass in the airport, so I'm super happy. Hopefully I can pull the same in Regina :D But, who knows?

I'm due home Tuesday at 8 50 pm (coming threw Coquitlam). I will have my final post up on Wed.

Till next time,

Yours In Rovering,

Kimberly McGilvray

Saturday, August 21, 2010


I'm currently at the Toronto Coach Terminal, waiting for my bus. (1 am departure). I'm super excited to be starting my treck home. I've enjoyed the Central of Canada, kinda wanna stay longer, but I'm wanting to come home.

There was an announcement that Justin Beibers in the terminal. I think it's a little hokey, but that's ok.

So, today. Quiet the day.

I spent most of it going threw my gear, and double checking I had everything done and set to go.

I also happened to go threw a traditional Rover Investiture (via 1st Whitby). It was rather interesting, but at the same time, extremely bland. Made me think of how I'm going to do Cubs this year. Gotta be something cool.....

After wards, we went into another ceremony, Knighthood. Before we started with the super secret things, I was asked a question, and it was one i have ironically spent a long time thinking about. "If you weren't involved in Scouting, would you be where you are today? Be where your going? Being the person you are?" I couldn't help but smile. Because I know my answer is "no". There's a wonderfully long list of the reasons, but I'm much to lazy to type it out.

We proceded with the knighthood. And yes, there was a REAL sword. Had to kneel, and get dubbed. I'm now "Sir Kimefur". Unfortuatley, I dont feel any different.

We then when to Whalley's World for a burger. Now this isn't any old burger, it's a death burger. it hurts. It was followed by a Dairy World Twisted Oreo Ice Cream/Bizarre creation. My stomache still hasn't forgiven me.

I then packed up, and said good bye to the people I've met and enjoyed the last week with.

I've gotta jet to get into line. Boo!

Till next time,

Yours In Rovering,

Kimberly McGilvray

Great Big Sea

I have to admit, yesterday was one heck of a day. I spent most of it pre-packing and waiting for Millie to come over. We went for Greek (simply delicious!), and headed into the downtown core. It was simply nuts! With all the events going on, it boggled my mind.

I never did make it IN to the CNE, but I did get a good view from the Princess Gates.

We finally got to the concert, and it was mind blowing. I always appreciate a musician more when they sound the same live, if not better. Great Big Sea was definitely better live. We were 4th Row from the stage, in the pits. Simply marvelous. I was even given a set list off the stage! :D It's totally getting taped to my wall.

After wards, given it's my last night in Toronto, we went into the night life. It's pretty much the same as Vancouver, just a little more crowded. We ended up at a high class restaurant near Keith's place. I experienced a few Czech traditions, and was invested into the "Order of the Buffalo". I just hope that Vancouver is ready to be Buffaloed....

And that was pretty much yesterday.

Today, aside from packing and saying good bye, I'm going to be Invested and Knighted into 1st Whitby.

Should be an experience. Hopefully I can bring the Knight theme BACK to Vancouver, just because it's super cool (to me).

Other then that, I'm not exactly sure when I will have the net next. I'm hoping to in Winnipeg, but who knows!

Till next time,

Yours In Rovering,

Kimberly McGilvray

Friday, August 20, 2010

Toronto Part 3

Yesterday I started my day at the St. Lawrence Market. It's just like the Public Market on Granville Island, only in an old brick building and two stories. It also smells a lot like fish. I picked up a lovely fruit salad for a dollar, and continued on my way. I found the day to be extremely warm so I thought I'd be smart and tour the underground walk ways. Not exactly what I was expecting, but still interesting. I found it easier and quicker to walk underground then above ground.

During my lunch break, I called Brad Olson (my Contingent Advisor) and gathered information for the other two member I was going to met with later that day.

I finished navigating my way back to Union station. I purchased my Go Train ticket, and struggled with which platform I was to board on. As I learned, it was 3. It's not actually on the ticket, you have to watch the television and it tells you.

Meeting with Karen and Adam was a lovely evening. I found Coffee Culture, enjoyed a quiet Mocha, and got down to business. I did a quick tour of Brampton, and headed back to Toronto.

Not exactly the most exciting day, but that's alright. It was pretty chill.

Today, I'm doing my laundry, pre-packing, and getting my ducks in line for the long haul to Winnipeg. Later today, I'm going to the CNE with Keith and Millie. Around 7, I will be going to the Amphitheater to watch, Great Big Sea. I've always wanted to see them, and I finally get to!

I'm not exactly sure what's on the agenda tomorrow, aside from me getting on a bus in the later evening. I may get a chance to blog or I may not. I'll do my best to write in Winnipeg. I should be there on Monday.

If not, I'll be leaving Winnipeg the same day and heading to Regina for Tuesday. I'm still not sure about stopping in Calgary as my relatives and the council haven't responded to me as of yet.

Depending on how it all comes together, I'll be back in the Lower Mainland on Wednesday or Thursday. :)

Till next time,

Yours In Rovering,

Kimberly McGilvray

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


So yesterday I ended up walking up to the GO train (much like our West Coast Express). I ended up at Union station (at the very base of the heart of the city). It took me a while to figure out exactly where I was located, but found myself once I was away from the station. It was then I thought it be a good idea to go check out Casa Loma.

A lovely 3 hour walk later, I found myself staring at the building used for the school in X-men. If you are ever in Toronto, I highly suggest venturing threw Casa Loma. It's being fully restored to it's pride and joy. It has the separate Lady and Sir's rooms (walk in closets, separate bath) and even a guest room. The Scottish tower was one of my favorite features. Also, they have self guided tours with an audio accompaniment. It's probably my favorite part of Toronto right now.

I then used for the first time the Maps application in my cell phone. I found where I was, and requested it to find my way to my current residence. From what I could figure in my mind, wasn't too far. It claimed 9 minutes. I was a little leery of that, but went with the idea. Of course, it was a 9 minute drive, and a 3 plus hour walk.

On my way, I passed the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum) which was closed when I got around. I also happened to cross another Museum with secret treasures of the Geisha and Samaria. As that one turns out, it's nothing but porcelain bowls and vases. j

I also happened to stroll threw Little Greece. Interesting neighborhood. Haven't gone threw one like that before. Mainly built up of restaurant, there was very little to do with the Greek culture. I also happened to see my first Amish person. I've only read about them, and have always been fascinated by their way of life. Actually getting to see one, was pretty exhilarating. (Odd, I know, but it's me).

After my long walk, I sat down, rubbed my sore feet, and watched Glee for the first time.

Today, after getting lost in the subway system (really, Montreal has THE BEST subway ever), I found myself not quiet where I wanted to be. It took me about an hour longer than I'd want to get to the CN tower. In the end, I decided against it. Mainly due to the overall 90 minute wait. Just didn't seem worth it.

I moved onto the Design Exchange ( It is more or less a quick show of local design as well as design history. I only had time to check out the two shows. They also utilized a GR application (basically you take a funny picture with your blackberry phone, it decodes said image and links you to a website with information). It's a great way to have information available and save paper.

I had to dash up King Street to make it to my meeting at MEC (Mountain Equipment Co-op). I arrive a few minutes early, so i popped in to check out what was so different. Aside from the layout and it being two stories, not too much. Over all the exact same product, and friendly service.

I met up with Robert Skinner (Contingent member), and chatted with him about Oz Moot, his ideas, what he wants from the Contingent, concerns, etc. Over all, pretty chill guy. He comes from a town of a few hundred just outside of Toronto. Their down town consists of a gas station. I have to say, that's a little bit too country.

I then met with Kevin Dunn for dinner. He's a retired Rover from the Ottawa area who is currently crew-less. We chatted about all things scouting. From Steve Kent (Chief Commissioner) to the joys of being a Beaver Leader. Over all, pretty cool guy. Lots of advise, information, and support.

Tomorrow, I'm heading off to Brampton in the later afternoon. In the morning, I hope to maybe explore the islands, and possibly make it over to the fort. But again, depends on time.

In other pretty awesome news, I'm going to a concert on Friday. Specifically, Great Big Sea. The camp I had intended on attending has been post-poned till further notice. I plan to depart Toronto late Saturday night and start trekking home.

OH! I also did a social experiment today. I didn't wear my hat (cowboy/bush hat)! I was treated differently. No longer like an alien. It's odd, but interesting for me. I can't decide if I want to wear it tomorrow or not. Still deciding.

Aside from that, I'm starting to miss Vancouver. As familiar as Toronto feels, it's not Vancouver.

Yours in Rovering,

Kimberly McGilvray

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Toronto, Part 1

Good morning!

So, it's been three days since I blogged last, roughly.

In that time, I have changed accommodations, AGAIN. I am now staying with one of my Contingent Members in the outskirts of the downtown (not too far away). It's pretty nice, saved me quiet a bit in comparison to the hostel.

On Sunday, I went threw Kensington Market and Chinatown. I also happened to stumble upon the Parliament building (technically the Legislative Assembly, but that's semantics). I have to say of the three spots, Kensington was my favorite. It's just an open air market, that the general area developed. The first story of their home is the shop, and they live above. Not really that new of a concept, but that there is an ENTIRE neighborhood dedicated to this is pretty awesome.

That's all that really happened on Sunday. Nothing to special.

Yesterday, I met up with David Millie (Council Youth Commissioner for White Pine) and one of his Rovers, Derick. We ended up cruising into Hamilton, a bit of the Niagara region, and all the way into Whitby. The summary of the day is: Hard Rock Cafe for lunch, Hershey's store for entertainment and novelty, Go Karting for the kid inside of me, Wine tasting for the adult, and meeting up with the other Rovers of Whitby to socialize.

That's about it for my adventures.

Today, I plan on speaking to my other Contingent Members, firming up plans, and go to the CN tower. Hopefully I'll get another blog posted tonight.

For now, I have an adventure to experience!

Yours In Scouting/Rovering

Kimberly McGilvray

Saturday, August 14, 2010



So, it's been about three? days since my last blog? Sounds about right.

Since last time I have relocated myself into Toronto (that's pretty much what I spent yesterday doing). Today was more or less my traditional quick run about, gathering resources, and recovering from the bus ride.

On my full/last/only day in Ottawa, I went to Scouts Canada Head Quarters. It was nice, and highly informative. I meet with a few of the behind the scenes persons, and got to go threw the Museum that's currently being put together via a retired scouters (has over 75 years of service). It was pretty cool to see the uniforms from around the world, different badges, and gear from groups that have unfortunately fallen.

I chilled in the scout shop and learned more about the Rover program from an aged out Rover. I got a badge I'm going for this year, the Rover Rambler. :)

Afterwards, I headed towards Parliment Hill. I went on a tour of the East Block (the building where John A. MacDonalds Office once was, and two other individuals). Even got to go into the original Privy Chamber. It was pretty cool. Seeing the original Crown modling, how they would heat&cool the building in the summer, and just the genearl luxery that these gentlemen had. Also, I learned that there is a new builing, thats not an original part of Parliment hill. It's where the current Primier's office is located. They got underground tunnels that connent all four blocks. Unfortuately due to security, we didn't get to see it.

I then went on a tour of the Center block (where the House of Commons meets, Sentate, and Libary is). It was pretty cool. Lots of super stitions, traditions, and symbolizim. I even got to check out two new rooms that have just been opened to the public. The Francophones, and native (basically rooms traditaionally dressed to support these culters). I even went to the top of the Peace tower (the clock tower), and a war memorial.

Afterwards, I grabbed a hot dog, and settled on the grass to watch the parts of Fortissimo I missed the night prior. I even got my favourite parts on video. I left after the highland dancers due to my camera beign full, and needing to find accomidations in Toronto. I caught the tale end of Mosaika and got taht on video.

THe following morning, I did one last run about, and packed up. On the bus i was yet again and heading into toronto. I got in at a decent time, and just stayed in, had a bit of a nap, and found another accomidation (the original one didn't do it for me).

I moved this morning, and did a quick run about the city. I came back early and haven't gone out again due to feeling a little ill. (got a bit of a cold, ick). I spent a good part of earlier today asleep (which i blame on my pervious hostel, people coming in super late and being stupid loud). I got myself a map, and am currently making plans for tomorrow.

I'm going to start to call my Contingent members, and see what's up with them. Also, going to see if I'm going on the camp this coming weekend or not.

Anyways, till next time.

Yours in Scouting/Rovering

Kimberly McGilvray

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Great news!

I'm currently in Ottawa, and will most likely be here till Friday or Saturday. I received word that the Lock out wasn't going to happen beacuse a deal was made. All that needs to happen is a vote via the union on it, and going from there. I will be percautious, but continuing on with my tour as originally planned.

After hoping off the bus to Sudbury, I grabed a OC (Ottawa's Translink) back to the downtown. I quickly put my name into the HI Ottawa (Hostel International), and set myself up. A fun fact. The Hostel, is literally an old jail. My dorm room is actually a renovated jail cell. Needless to say, I'm entralled.

Since the evening was early, I grabbed a map and started to explore. My feet and ears led me straight to Parliment Hill. I was delighted by Fortissimo, the Canadian Ceremonial Guard. Quiet the experience. I only stayed for Life and Times (a prelude to Mozaic), as I had no idea what was going on. I'm definetly going again tomorrow night. (

Speaking of tomorrow, on the agenda is a few items. For one, go INTO parliment on a tour. Very excited for that. Second, explore the downtown. Third, hit up Scout House, National. Also, the local Scout shop. Aside from that, see what time I have left over, and maybe check out a few of the exibits, tour University of Ottawa.

I will admit, I'm definately feeling more in Canada now. It's odd though, it's so, British/European out here. No where near as "modern" as I'm use to. Take Victoria, and blend it with the downtown of Vancouver, specifially around Commerial. It's the best way to explain it so far.

OH! Something I didn't write about. The patio culter in Montreal. It's GIANT. When I get my pictures up, you will notice that most of the houses have "porches". Really they are patios. The residence will sit and chill on there, socialize with people who walk by, and just have a relaxing experience. I partook in this experience at the hostel. True, I was upstairs and couldn't overally socialize with people, but it was still relaxing. It's quiet different from having a back patio. Stil not sure why.

Anyways, It's been a long day for me, and the lights are finally being turned off.

Till next time,

Yours In Rovers/Scouting

Kimberly McGilvray

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lock Out


Well, after a nice quiet night in and figuring out the dates for the rest of my trip; Dad calls me and tells me that Greyhound East (Quebec and Ontario) is going into a lock down over contract. Quickly, I researched other options. First, I'm leaving Quebec tomorrow night, no doubt. Second, I'm going to Sudbury and will wait to hear what's going on. If the lock out is a for sure thing, I'm giving up Ontario, and trecking home. I'll be stopping in Regina and Winnipeg still, but after Regina, coming home to Vancouver. My ETA as it stands is Sunday, August 16th, 8:50 PM PST. With the trip is it will be, I would have gone 9704 km (approximately).

If for some magical reason the Lock out doesn't happen, I"ll be routing from Sudbury to Niagara Falls, then onto Ottawa, finally Toronto for the trip I've had planned. With that lovely detour, my trip will be anout 11, 678 km (approx), and my eta back is August 28th (I can't remember the time).

But as it looks, I'm going to be giving trouble to Greyhound. I've already let my counter parts in Ottawa and Toronto know this information.

Meanwhile, while trying to find OTHER solutions to my problem, I did the last bits of my Montreal tour. I visited the Montreal Scout house and shop (got a pin), spoke to a lady about my ticket and how Greyhound will go about it (really she had no idea, but assured me I'd get some sort of compensation), and continued on to Little Italy. Of course, I got a little lost finding, but enjoyed the sights when I finally did go the right direction. I also ended up going to the West end of the island (yes, Montreal is an Island). I go all the way over to MacDonald Campus (i believe it's a University).

While at the Scout House I learned quiet a bit about the Montreal Scouts. For one, they have a different program all together (it's not just a "french" verson). They run ages 7-21 (verses our program which is 5-26), and actually changed the "Rover" section from 25 to 21 a few years ago.

The "Cub" program's uniform is a green uniform. The youth in "Scouts" to "Rovers" wear a green shirt with a single pocket and have a yellow with a blue trim necker. Where as the leaders have a green shirt with a blue and yellow trim necker. (Massively wierd if you ask me). They dont have any awards like Scouts Canada (Cheif scout, Queens Venture), and even the bigger awards (like the Medal of Maple) dont exist. They are completely different. The core fundamentals of the programs are kinda the same, but the goals are different.

In our Cubs, we have 6 Stars. Home&Community, Creative Expression, Health, Canada&the World, The Natural World, and The Outdoors. Their Cub program as 5 badges. Creative, Sport, Community, Nature, and Resourcefulness. They also have a few other, but they weren't explained to me. They are; Patt-Cross of the Jungle, Red Flower of the Jungle, Skin of Shere Khan, and Grey Wolf Jugle Trail. I didn't get much information about the other programs aside from their names. They call Cubs " Louveteaux" (which oddly does mean Cubs in French).

A fun fact about all sections, they have a woggle that's a clip on of the Turks braid (WB Lvl 1). It's for all sections).
Here are their programs:
Castors (7-8) -Beavers
Hirondelles (7-8)- Swallows (the same program as a Beaver, and i believe is co-ed)
Louveteaux (9-11)- Cubs
Exploratrices (9-11)- Explorers (same program cubs, but for girls only)
Scouts Eclaireurs (11-14/17)- The Explorers (Scouts)
Intrepides (11-14/17) - The Intrepid (Guides, girls only)
Eclaireaurs Adventuriers (12-16/11-17)- The Pathfinders Adventuers (Co-ed, like venturers)
Scouts Marins (12-16/11-17) - Sea Scouts (Co-ed, like Venturers, but Water Based. Speacial Blue Uniform)
Scout Sapeurs (12-16/11-17) - Fire Fighter Scout (Co-ed, like Venturers, but Fire Fighter based and is done in joint with the Montreal Fire Fighters.
Pionniers (14-17/11-17) - Pioneers (They have a red shirt, and are like regular scouts, i believe?)
Scouts Adults (17+) - Rovers (Routiers)/Leaders (They have a gray uniform)

I spent a good part of my day thinking of a new plan, and trying to find the Scout house&shop. I'll be on the 9:00 pm bus tomrorow to Sudbury. I'm hopign to quickly hit the remainder of Downtown and the Olympic park (as I had originally planned). I'll lock my pack up at the greyhound station, and be on my way to Sudbury like no ones business.

Till I either get to Winnipeg (a joyful 36 hour bus ride) or Niagara (a much prefered 8 hour bus ride), I will be unable to post anything else. With the weather miserable (rainy), and my upcoming journey, I'm off to the kitchette to cook up some pasta and to do some laundry.

Until next time,

Yours In Scouting&Rovering,

Kimberly McGilvray

Monday, August 9, 2010

Feastivals and History

Hey everyone!

So, I didn't get a chance to post yesterday to to being out all day. After talking with Kristy (my older sister for those who haven't met her yet), suggested I go to Les Tam-Tams du Mont Royal. I also had intentions of going to Piknic Electronique. When I got the the area of Piknic Electronique, it was cancelled due to the weather. I then quickly did a tour of Iles Saint Helen.

The funny thing is, it wasn't really raining. It was more of a sprinkle. The second the water hit my skin, it was evaporated. Quiet the experience.

I then ventured over to Les Tam-Tams du Mont Royal. The drum circle, a boffing tournement, and slack-ropes. It was quiet the entertaining. I tried my luck on the slack-rope, and ended up falling off after at least two steps. Not nearly as easy as one would think. Afterwards I headed down towards the downtown. I heard about "Feastival Mode Design", and though I'd check it out. My first stop was at QUAM (Quebec Universitie au Montreal). I actually was able to find Ecole Design. I ventured around, saw some of the environmental design work, and a few cool displays. But, not the feastival I was looking for. Off I went.

I went over to University au Montreal (yes it is different than QUAM), and again, no feastival. Right when I give up (and get lost of the metro), I see another poster for the feastival. It's at McGill. Off I scurry towards McGill. As it turns out, it was a Fashion Feastival. Not what I was expecting. I take in what I can of it, and head off. I then pass by a bar, and get a VIP pass in. After seeking advice from Kristy, I go in for a drink. I met a group of people visiting from Arizona. As well as a gentleman docked from India, and was enjoying the city before he headed down to the Bahamas with the ship.

That was the end of the day.

This morning I got up, and headed out to Old Montreal. It was very interesting. I visited the Museum of Archetichure. There was a special exibit on Easter Island. I then went into the archeology dig sites under the museum and roads. The original ground plan and foundation to the original building were still pretty well intact. When I finished the tour and got to the gift shop there was another special exibit on about ways to say "Love".

From there, I got lost, again. On McGill. McGill and I, we dont get along. I finally got back on track, and headed towards Notre-Dame.

I must admit, the only thing I could think of when I was there:


It was simply gorgous. Amazing. I'm debating if I should go to Mass or not, just to experience it and the Organs. I made a donation to light three candles. One for the past, to honour the people I have lost. One for the present, to represent the ones I love and hold dear today. One for the future, to welcome people and what life will bring. I sat in a pew and watched them burn for a while.

Next, was City Hall. The original building, while Montreal was the Captial of Canada, was actually used for Parliment. Unfortuanely, as I had found out on my Tour, the building had burned down.

The core historical experience was in City Hall. I learned about the original founder from North France that came to settle in Ville de Marie (original name for Montreal) and the role model for all nurses in Montreal who founded the first Hospital in Montreal (Hotel du Dieu).

They explained the flag of Montreal, the logo, and a quick general history of the civil wars and struggles with the Iroqua. For a young city (350 years or so), it's sure had a hard time coming around. I also got to go onto the Mayors Patio. Currently, they are renovating and restoring the wall that was the border of Montreal. This wall will mark the separation of Old Montreal, and "New" Montreal (the downtown and what is now a Metropolis).

I walked down to the River, and hopped on a ferry to head back to Ilse Saint Helen. After a quick tour of the Biodome, I concluded it is the enivronmental enthusias Science World. Quiet a few educational displays. Definitally something I would love to take my Cub pack to.

I Learned about a gentlemand refered to as "Bucky". He was so ingenious he created more or less a perfect house. Dymaxion house. Quiet the idea for 1929. ( if you'd like to read more about it.

Once I was educated on Mr. Fuller, I headed out for a walk around the Island. I found a fort that was unfortumatly closed down.

After all my adventures today, I have decided to call it an early night, and rest. A nice trail mix, and cup of tea.

Tomorrow, I'm visiting LIttle Italy, and two public markets.

Till next time,

Kimberly McGilvray

Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Change In Plans

So, last night was quiet an adventure.

I had planned on staying in the for the evening, but after I got up from a relaxing nap I noticed I had no more meals in my trusty bag. Out I quested to find a Grocery Store. The only one I had actually scene was in the Down Town area, and an IGA. I ended up munching on a small poutine from a vendor on the street. Awe well.

The evening was young, so I followed a few colourful streets (St. Catheryn), and discovered a road similar to that of our own Granville, but with a major Davie Street culture. Definitaly interesting. My ventures took me all the way down the the St-Lawrence River and the old clock tower (which I learned today you can go to the top of, and check out the view!). From there, I ended up lost in McGill. The main road I and found to walk home on, well, I ended up going to the North West instead of North-east-south. Needless to say, I ended up quiet the lost and in the heart of the University.

Upon my venture home, I finally found my street, Henri-Julien. Not overly confident in my navigation I stood for a minute and looked at my two options. Lucy, a lady sitting on her porch, asked me if I was lost. "I'm trying to find "Rue Roy" (street at intersects near my Hostel). She pointed me in the right direction. Her friend, RJ, then asked me where I was from. Lucy, is from Port Alberni and RJ is from Singapore. Quiet the pair. I ended up chatting with them for a while. I also met Kate from Kits (Vancouver), Pierre the local, Rick and Marshall from Regina, and Carolyn from Toronto.

Quiet the evening. Was not part of my Plan.

This morning, I headed out to the bus depot, only to find that my plans to go to Quebec City weren't going to fly. My information I had gathered said that it would be $40 to go there and back. No biggie. Easy. With accomidations at about $26 for the evening, 3 meals, it would be about 80-90$. To start, the transit out there was 90$ ALONE. The hostels were all full, so that left me with hotels (about $50-110 a night). When I look at it, I can't afford it. So, New plan!

When I spoke to my hostest, they decided to move me to their sister hostel in the east end of Montreal. Not too far from where I was, but it's enough of a change for me to get a little confused. (Can we say I'm going to get lost?)

I meet a deutch lady today. she was sitting on the steps of a church, eatting a muffin looking at her map. She was having difficulty finding where she was, so she asked me to help. We chatted for a bit, I helped her back to the Metro (subway), and found a tourist information center. After seeing the lady off, I hit up the tourist center and grabbed me a book.

I'm now at my new Hostel, which is far nicer, I'm not going to lie, searching threw the books to see what I'd like to do. I did a tour NEAR where i am now, so it wont be too bad. I'm thinking abotu doing a cruise on the St-Lawrence River (it's quiet the inexpensive), and doign three days of culture exposer (museums, the biodome, olympic park, underground city, etc). There is a pass that's $50 for three days to all the musems as well as three days transit. Score? That will probably commense tomorrow. Wed, I'm thinking about renting a bike from my hostel ($5 for the day), and riding around a few of the paths. Thursday, well, I'm not too sure yet. I may go up the Mountain to see what I can see. Friday I will most likely Relax and pack up so that Saturday I can hop on a bus and head down to Ottawa!

Of course, all subject to change. :-p

Aside from that, I'm off to get to know my new area. (Last night I embarrassed myself and walked by my hostel about, oh 4 times?) lol. Typical me, eh?

Till tomorrow,

Yours Truely,

Kimberly McGilvray

Friday, August 6, 2010


Well, I'm sitting in my Hostel in Montreal! I'm finding Montreal to be nothing shy of a giant Granville Island (only more focused on the environment and very french). The weather is beautiful. I lucked out when I got in last night, the rain had JUST stopped. It's not muggy, nor humid. Just windy. I will defs say that the air feels different. In Thunder Bay, ON I noticed it felt heavy. In Ottawa, it was Crisp. Now, it's just mildly weighty. Over all no really big changes.

It took;
75 hours,
7 bus,
6 provinces,
3 time zones,
2 rough sleeps,
and 1 enthusiastic lady

to get where I am now, 3694 km away from home. (but was driven 4903 km).

I have to say, Canada is definiately beautiful. I dont have many pictures from the trip out here (due to the speed of the bus and the spots choosen for a break was a dinner in the middle of the free way with absolutely nothing interesting). I will probably post my pictures to somewhere like PhotoBucket. (Link to come later).

At this time I'd like to introduce three friends. Wolfie, Moosie, and of course, Sir Grooves A-Lot. They will appear in many of the photoes I take.

Wolfie, from 1st yennadon, Maple Ridge BC. He's keeper of the keys of Eagles hall. With my purse having a padlock on it (while in busy areas it just made sense to do), he has the key at his back.

Moosie, from Meritt BC. He was given to me as a gift from my best friend (since he couldn't come with me, gave me a cute moose).

Sir Grooves A-Lot, Granville Island, Vancouver, BC. He's my personal mascot and the one you'll see the most. He's a cute hamster that chills in the front pouch of my bag. I picked him to represent me mainly because he was just the right size, and needless to say, adorable.

I've done a quick tour around the city, but decided to have a relaxing day. Just chill and explore. No tours, or major sites today.

Tomorrow, i'll be up bright and early. I'm going to be heading to Quebec City for the next two days (1 over night). It'll be about a 3 hour bus ride each direction. I'll be leaving my netbook in Montreal with my pack (it will be locked up in the Hostel while I'm away). Tonight I will probably stay in and chat with my room mates.

I'm starting to feel more confident with my french. I can understand it decently enough, though my oral does need some work (I can't translate quick enough, though apparently my accent is good). It's comign along quickly.

That's it for today I believe. I'll try to post more tomorrow, and then when I get back from Quebec City.

Yours Truly,

Kimberly McGilvray