Sorry for the delay, but been a little busy and out of the wifi network.
Since my last blog I've finally made it to Oz Moot. It's about 9pm here, so I'll try to recap the last couple of days.
Boxing day was a day spent exploring the remaining bits of Brisbane (which wasn't much, I have to say) before we got on our bus for the over night ride to Sydney.
It was quiet the boring ride. Palm trees, beaches, random stops. Lots of dark. The normal.
We ended up in Sydney for an eight hour lay over, and ended up running into a contingent member, Mike H. It was quiet the random, especially since there was next to no word about any of the three of us being in Sydney on that day. Once more we get on a bus for an over night to Melbourne.
Repeat the Palm trees, beaches, fields, and dark.
We got into Melbourne around 7 am, I believe.
We signed into our hostel, and went exploring around. Our hostel was based from the CBD (basically the dt), and only a few minutes away from the beach. St. Kilda. That was the district. Or, as they are referred to out here, Precinct.
We moved our bags into our room, grabbed the required items (camera, map, wallet), and headed off on the tram into the CBD.
We got next to nothing accomplished except for the area around the bus depot and realizing it was quiet the happening town. We headed back into the hostel for some good eats, a show of the sun setting and called it an early night.
On the following morning, twas a quick check out and dash to Southern Cross to grab a locker to drop off our packs (they aren't pleasant to carry around beyond an hour). Away we went onto the free city tram, realised it was too packed and couldn't hear a thing, and switched over the the tour bus. Around we went threw all the different precincts. There was on, Queen Elizabeth Market that we wanted to go to, but it didn't open till 5:30. Our bus out was at 8, it takes about and hour to get to the station, we had a dinner meeting with other members, and so fourth, made it a hard place to go to.
We explored threw the Docklands (and yes, it's a dock), but with factory outlets left right and centre in one walk threw mall. Definitely not what I was expecting in the precinct.
I was only expecting to meet with Kit (a member of the contingent) and Gonzo (an Australian friend), but there was also a Matt (Kit's boyfriend), and a Nick (another Contingent Member).
Around 6 am Adelaide time (they are 30 minutes behind the Victoria time zone), we got off of our coach.
The fun part of arriving in a new city, is always trying to figure out how to get to our destination. We have no idea where we start, where our finish point is, or the methods of transpiration available to us. Today, we were needing to get from one end of town, to the complete opposite.
It was by sheer luck that there was a man from Oz Moot checking to see if any Rovers had shown up. His next stop, the airport, exactly where we were heading.
I meet with my various members (the 6 that pass threw the airport at least), and send them on their way to the Moot. Neckers, tees, badges, and letters all finally out of my bag (it was itself about 5 kg of weight!).
Finally, I get in, and find the last two members. I check myself in, deal with some Contingent Leader details, and start to socialise.
At this point, we have completed our Opening ceremonies, gone threw the precautions of the state (the snakes and spiders and fire and sun and... and... and....), the on-site bar has been open for about two hours, enjoyed a gourmet dinner with dessert, and made a few friendly faces.
I am personally beat. The bus into Adelaide, wasn't the best.
So, with that, I will end with a happy note.
Today's high was about 35, tomorrow it's expected to get to about 43. It's not as bad as you would think. It's extremely dry.
I'll do a blog up on my new years. For the day after I will be heading out for my expedition for 5 days in the middle of nowhere (back in Victoria).
Phew. That was long.
Till next time,
Yours In Rovering,
Kimberly McGilvray
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